
Role Playing Games (RPGs In the Classroom) [THATCamp CHNM 2012]

Role Playing Games (RPGs In the Classroom)
THATCamp CHNM 2012

This document created by session participants and
licensed Creative Commons, Attribution

Let’s DO this! I’m setting up a github org, list your github account (or make and then list your github account) and I’ll invite you to a github org I’ve set up for this. I will add folks on this doc as admins for
Participants, twitter usernames + email addresses

Adeline Koh @adelinekoh [] github: adelinek
Gavin Craig @craiggav
Nigel Lepianka @truexstory
Laura Webber @lwebber
Douglas Eyman @eymand
Andrew Turner @ajturner – github:ajturner
Weston Schreiber @WestonSchreiber
Paul Logasa Bogen II @plbogen
Aram Zucker-Scharff @chronotope – – github: aramzs
Larry Milliken @larrymilliken
Erica Miller Yozell @emilleryozell
Anastasia Salter @anasalter
Amanda Visconti @literaturegeek / github: amandavisconti
Gerol Petruzella @gpetruzella [] github: gpetruzella

Note to Participants: ^Perhaps add emails if you want to get involved with this so we can notify you of changes?

Original Proposal:

Role Playing Games (RPGs) in the Classroom: Fleshspace vs. Digital (A #THATCamp CHNM Session Proposal)

Posted on June 15, 2012


We are being increasingly encouraged to “gamify” the classroom. Educators such as Cathy N. Davidson (Now You See It)(@cathyndavidson) and Jane McGonigal (Reality is Broken) have suggested that games can help engage students in deeper ways …

A Narrative Designer’s Toolkit [WfG 2011]

With Ken Rolston

Descrip: The road to success as a narrative designer is long and arduous. But you don’t want to hear that. So Ken Rolston, Executive Design Director for critically acclaimed Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning, and former Lead Designer of Oblivion, Morrowind, and other light classics, reveals the carefully hoarded treasury of cheap tricks and short cuts that enable him to achieve respectability while avoiding Real Work. In this fast-paced and charming presentation, Rolston spreads out his tools, illustrates their use in the production of his Great Works, and shows you how to project a shallow but persuasive mastery of the craft of narrative game design.

Who is Ken Rolston?
“Internationally Celebrated Game Designer Ken Rolston designs Big Huge computer roleplaying games. Executive Design Director and “Visionary” [No. Seriously. “Visionary”] on Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning™ for Big Huge Games and 38 Studios, Ken was formerly lead designer for Bethesda’s award-winning The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion and The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind. Previously Ken was an award-winning designer of paper-and-pencil roleplaying games, including games and supplements for PARANOIA, RUNEQUEST, WARHAMMER FANTASY ROLEPLAY, AD&D, D&D, STAR WARS, GHOSTBUSTERS, and STORMBRINGER. Ken served as roleplaying director for West End Games, Games Workshop, and Avalon Hill …